Matthew & Avery dressed for school!
Matthew & his Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Brewer!

Avery & her 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Cox!
Avery & Matthew began their first day at Wayland Bonds Elementary School on Tuesday, August 14th! They were both sooo excited!
Matthew drew a picture of himself at his new school and got to ride scooters and play in the loft that is built into his room.
Avery is learning about the Five Senses with watermelons! She will have a Watermelon Feast on Friday. She guessed that the watermelon had 2,000 seeds.
They both had a wonderful first day and couldn't wait to go back the next day.
Avery also began gymnastics at the Little Gym on Tuesday evening and really enjoyed it.
Matthew had his Karate class at the Little Gym on Wednesday afternoon and looked so sweet in his karate uniform. I will post pics of that later.
Thursday, August 16th
I walked the kids into school this morning and dropped Matthew off at his class and then walked Avery down to her hall. I kissed her on the cheek and she wiped it off! My baby is already too grown up for mom to kiss her in public. Tomorrow I am letting her walk down to her class by herself....time to loosen the apron strings!
Matthew's teacher called this morning about 10:30 and said Matthew's tummy hurt and he was upset. I went to school and picked him up and asked him if he was sick and he replied "No, I'm just hungry!". They hadn't had snack yet and so I took him home and he ate cheddar bunnies! All in a day's fun!