Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunday, Dec. 16th Avery in the Church Christmas Program

Avery performed Sunday evening in our church's Christmas program "The Legend of the Christmas King". She played a poor peasant girl and sang a solo! We were so proud of her!

Matthew enjoyed the show too!

Maci's not too sure!

Avery singing her solo!

Avery said she just pretended she was singing for her Mommy and Daddy instead of a crowded church! A great time was had by all!

Christmas Greetings 2007

Matthew, Avery, & Maci hanging out in front of the Christmas Tree!
It is such a blessing to see Christmas through a child's eyes, all the excitement and wonder of the season. Of course, they have the "I wannas", but Marc and I are teaching them about giving to others and being thankful for our blessings and the most important reason, Jesus' birth.

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family!

Love the Kletke Krew!

Maci is sitting up!

Maci began sitting up on Thanksgiving Day at Grammy Meg's and Papa Darrel's house. She was 6 months and 2 weeks old.

She is enjoying being able to sit up in the bathtub and really enjoys "eating" her washcloth!