We're getting bored with this long line!
Check out the doggie behind Avery! He was really sweet.
The dog likes to sit on the horse when they take a break.
A wonderous journey of parenthood and beyond....
We're getting bored with this long line!
Check out the doggie behind Avery! He was really sweet.
The dog likes to sit on the horse when they take a break.
Mommy is determined to catch me smile on camera, but not if I can help it!
Maci is 4 1/2 months old already! Time goes too fast. The other day I packed up all of her newborn and 0-3 month outfits and felt kinda sad that she had gotten so big already.
She's such a good baby that I even lay her down in her crib awake, I know you can't believe this would happen in the Kletke house, but yes, even awake and she talks herself to sleep.
She's a wiggly worm now too. She is ready to move and it probably won't be much longer. We have to babyproof all over again.
Lil' piglet Avery & silly goose Matthew
We arrived at the Fair at 10:30am on Saturday and actually stayed until 3:15 pm! Wow! The best part was that we all had a GREAT time! We ate lots of fair food, (YUM!) walked through the buildings, played some midway games, and of course played in the dirt. We even found a huge sandbox that the kids loved digging in. Avery, Matthew, and I then slid down the huge wave type slide 2 times. Daddy passed on that and held Maci.